I hooked up with an acquaintance yesterday afternoon, his name is Rob and I met him my last time I was down here in Tampa. He and I have technology adventures that we've both known over the decades.

We hung out last evening at a bar/ health club he's a member of, that has a great Steam Room. He and his family are coming over for dinner tonight.

This morning Shelby got me over to Advantage for a big blood draw out of my left arm. I slept great on a new memory foam last night, over the new bed Shelby recently bought. At noon, an in-home health care nurse dropped by to check me out.

Staying at Shelby's place here in Tampa is truly amazing and I'm very grateful. She has me back on my meds with a new organized monthly pill dispenser, along with seeing the proper medical people.

It was my inability to take my meds that caused my brain to fail. Maybe my life will come back, please wish me well.