I got my truck an oil change yesterday, then drove down to Florence, AL. I ordered a fuel pump, should have it installed by Monday. Then I fell asleep in my chair, woke up at 2300, went to bed and slept until 0945.

Then my Favorite Grand Daughter Shelby called me and we have firmed up Christmas. Her friends that we had lunch with when I was down in Tampa have invited her to their home, and I've been honored with a seat at the table.

Shelby was concerned about my truck making it down there. Gee, I wonder why say's the old blogging drama queen! But we're going to Tampa, FL for Christmas. Shelby's working from home and has some time, so we can hang out, hit the beach and do the town.

She also told me Jess should be having my new grand-daughter next week. She's more on top of my Seattle family than I am! We talked about a possible trip there next year, and a possible Texas run to see two more of my beautiful grand-daughters.

So, time to get my act together. Do my laundry next week, haircut and a shave at the Beauty College, make my bed in the back of the truck, and hit the road!