Guess who's birthday I just spaced on. Umhuh, I knew an important one was happening but I couldn't recall that today is my beautiful favorite grand-daughter Shelby's thirty second birthday.

She had texted me earlier: "We're at Disney for birthday festivities", intentionally leaving "my" out of the expression, testing me.

Finally, after reading my Life Blog post, and realizing that I just wasn't getting it, she texted: "My birthday is today papa..."

I fell to my knees before my laptop, in humility, and texted her for forgiveness!

Photos of Shelby and Kristin's Disney birthday day are forthcoming, check back tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's a very short clip I found on my little video camera. It was taken as Shelby and I had just sat down to that fancy Tampa brunch, with what's her name.