I just realized something, my ultra sounder nice lady Melissa moved that scan thing all over my abdomen. I assume other organs would have been scanned incidentally, and if there was something going on, they would spot it.

I've decided I want to see that scan! Normally we just let the doctors do their thing, tell us what they think, prescribe a solution, then send us on our merry xmas way.

I am positive that unless I ask, they won't offer to show them to me. I had my head in a big machine after a fall a few years ago, and this hospital never offered to show me any of the results from that, along with a bunch of other tests. I was just their money maker that day.

That walk in procedure cost me more than $300, above my very good insurance. My normal high copay is $35, low is $10, and the hospital didn't ask for either when I left the other day, and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to get another above insurance coverage bill.

Maybe there's something going on here? The clinic has a patient who admit's to a drinking problem. Blood is drawn and the liver enzymes are high. Duhh, of course they are!

Suddenly there is an urgency for a Liver Ultra Sound at the hospital up the street. They pushed this on me twice, I gave in on the second.

This is the same clinic I initially went to about my head when I fell. They wouldn't touch me, sent me right up the street to the hospital, and a bill.

I guess I have a great distrust about our medical system. The people that perform it are mostly wonderful people. I love the girls up at FastPace, I bring them fresh pastry!

But I think the whole system is rigged to maximize profit. The administrators think, how can we shift a procedure out of the standard insurance loop, make money, then pass some down to the clinic that referred it.

If I end up mysteriously missing, please refer this Post to the detectives.