I drew a blue straw twice today, the first one bit the dust when the drink sitting on my center console tipped over as I accelerated across the highway on the way to the Park.

When I got back home, I drew another blue. So, I have determined that blue indicates a good case of The Blues, which is my current state today. Having the Blues doesn't carry the same weight as it did back in my early days. Now it's called Clinical Depression.

I've had many cases of this condition pop up over my lifetime, for many different reasons. It might have been caused by a woman, losing a job, or just your place in life in general. You get into a fuck everything mode and you stumble through the day, if you manage to get out of bed at all.

Hey, I did good today, considering I've got The Blues. I made it to the Park, spilled my drink, realized I had forgotten my wallet and cash, along with the bag of Qwack Cocaine I was going to try and feed my ducks with. But, I sat up there and managed to get my Gmail down to nothing...

Small victories count...