OMFG. I'm laughing at my situation in life as opposed to pissing and moaning about it! This is good, I'm getting myself back!

I'm sitting here in a little run down house with no food, no vehicle to go buy some, and absolutely no plans for Thanksgiving.

I need to do my dishes, maybe tomorrow. My friend Daniel is hunkered down in his house depressed as hell, and I can't get him over here for a card game.

He was Plan B, my ride to somewhere tomorrow, for supplies or maybe a meal, but he's toast.

I understand and relate, I love my friend and I'm sorry he has reached that point that I was at just days ago.

So now what, as I sit here laughing. I suppose I can just walk up the hill, buy a bottle and some ice, and watch the Thanksgiving parade on my big TV.

Sounds like a plan!