I read a lot of stuff online, usually pushed at me via email. I disregard 90% of the writings because I don't like the style, or the flow.

When I write a blog post, I want to entertain, and make a point. I've been blogging now for over fifteen years, and when I look back at all those posts, I realize I've held that position throughout.

I love to write, and share my positions, feelings, and my personal reality, with the world. I created two large blogging platforms that allowed me to do so.

Sometimes, I get a couple too many in, and then get down. I discuss personal stuff, that should never have left my fingers. Then send notifications to friends and family saying Read This! If they're fortunate, they won't read the text until after I've trashed it.

So, this is my story, I will write until I can't. If any future historian decides to resurect my blogs as a glimpse into this period, with places I've seen, and things that I've done, thank you!