My first memory was as an infant, less than a year old. I was laying on a living room floor watching my mom wash dishes in the kitchen. I shared the memory with her and described everything in detail. She confirmed that it was our California home when I was a baby.

I find memories fascinating. It's truly amazing that our finite space of brain matter manages to store so much data! But, I have a theory, I think human memory storage is finite, it has a limit, just like our storage devices, and it's not a definable number.

When storage is full, the brain starts juggling memories like the super computer it is, keeping the important ones in a special queue that lets you extract periods of your life, with time as the index.

Old memories just start getting compressed down to accommodate new ones, and it all starts when the brain is full!

That baby memory is as clear as any of my memories from this afternoon, it's just the first one to land in the special queue.