It's the busiest travel day of the year as people travel home from Christmas, and I'm not going anywhere. Shelby and I did Waffle House again, and then she got into a video chat, and landed herself another job, around short term rentals and a RV park.

She also mentioned I could live in a small trailer at the RV park and act as greeter and guide, rent free, not charge them for my time, and live off my Social Security. Sounds like a win/win to me!

We're trying to figure out what to do today, and I'll be heading home tomorrow. Shelby's looking at a Korean Spa, have a good soak and steam, then get an hour long massage, for $200 each. Ten dollars off for seniors.

She's calling them now for an appointment. Ooops, no masseuses available, we could still soak and steam. There's a male and female nude soak area, with a common dry sauna area.

Shelby's checking other options now, but we might just go for this one, stay tuned!