In my previous twenty some odd year relationship, we bought a massage table early on. We took turns on the table, but I think I came out ahead. We washed each others backs in the shower, I also came out ahead by washing her tits from behind.

It's now been many years since my back has felt a human hand holding a bar of soap. There is an area there that I can't reach, and it's probably green.

I have my truck back, parked under the canopy. Twenty four hour turn around, a correct diagnosis of a carburetor rebuild, and she's running great. It needs a final tune up and I'll bring it back to Thomas in three days for that.

Damn I like this guy! He's taken over this old garage on the highway and is making a name for himself. He doesn't even have a card reader yet but fortunately I had $225 in cash.

He drove my truck around after the rebuild and he loved it. The tow truck guy said the same thing yesterday. He said replace the front bumper where the guy backed into me in Nashville, wash her and get a new paint job, and I've got me a show truck!