I've been spouting bullshit on this blog for a year now about getting out there on the road, and bailing for one fucked up reason or another. It's finally happening tomorrow morning, and I'm very ready.

I got all my chores done this morning and put money in my pocket, and on my card. My new phone is rocking and ready to take it's position on my dash with the rear camera and GPS.

In the morning I'll toss my electronics into the bag and head to Indian food brunch in Decatur, GA. Finally!

My body is in an interesting place, on one hand elated that I've finally stopped poisoning it. Everything I do now is just better, and coming from a state of clarity and commitment.

On the other hand, it's pissed off. It ain't getting what it's used to, and lets me know it. I actually have mild flu-like symptoms that I know comes from the withdrawal from alcohol.

Like I said previously, the cure is Indian food. I'm going to make several trips to the buffet line, trying small portions of anything that looks like I can eat. I'm not a big buffet guy that eats too much, I just want to try it all.

I'll take pictures with my new Pixel 8 Pro and post them from Grannies Spread in a Rest Area South of Decatur, GA. Meanwhile, day eight is rocking on.