I took the tender boat to the pier at Roatan and proceeded to walk forcefully through the hustlers on shore. As I was heading towards some sort of town area a guy approached me from my left and offered to be my driver around the island. I asked how much, he said $40. I agreed and we took off on a magical mystery tour that I will remember forever and may have changed my life.
Everywhere we went, my driver was known. He want's to run for mayor, and he has my vote. He asked what I wanted to do and I said get high on life and see Roatan. We bonded instantly and took off through the busy crazy streets of Roatan dodging people and other cars with the deft skill of a professional driver.
We stopped at his house, we stopped at his brothers house and before long I was cruising out to the west end of the island high on life.
The west end is a divers paradise with bars and diving shops going on for miles. I see why this is your favorite place on earth, Brian.
We talked about life and people and how the island is made up of kind hearted real folks that have your best interest at heart and all along the journey I kept mumbling, I could live here.