New post notifications here have ended, finally for good. If anybody is interested in what I have to say, they can drop on by and see what's new. If they're not, pushing a notification out to them, is an assault on their space.

Writing is my self-therapy, it allows me to formulate my thoughts and helps me understand them. I could just write a journal and keep it on my hard drive, that nobody would ever see. But fuck that, this is the Internet baby, and I have created a great blog.

I very often write a post that embarrasses me to the point that I have to take it down, but that's called life online! When I see internet content that makes me go WTF, I just move on. But pushing notifications to someone's private phone as a text message, is shoving your stuff into their face.

That is now over at Boom!

Update: Grand-daughter Shelby just told me she want's to be notified of new posts. Ok, if anyone reaches out like that, they're back on the list. Otherwise, I'm not bothering anybody, anymore...