UFOs are all over the news these days. Watching my brother get abducted on a mountain camping trip in the fifties, and seeing the Alien ship, changed my young life forever. It destroyed my brothers life.

There are a bunch of stories going around, about a secret Alien/Human base on the back side of the Moon, and another one down at the South Pole.

Some say JFK was shot by a member of his Secret Service detail because he wanted to release the truth about Aliens being amongst us.

Having that experience as a kid gets me way past the "do I believe?" state, so it's easier to accept the theorys. They mostly confirm cooperation between us and them, and they also suggest a dark evil side, like JFK and other assignations.

One crazy theory said that the Aliens have told World Leaders that the Earth is dying, from our own doing. We all need to band together to save it. Sounds like a radical far-left stoned teenager decided to get on Twitter.

The only thing we really know is what we have experienced so far, and the life that currently surrounds us. But beyond Lawrence County, TN, the only things I know lately is what I get from Media and the Internet.

And it all could be bullshit, we could be getting played big time!