I was still in my robe this morning when I got a loud knock on the door. At first I thought it was the cops, but a peek through my door glass showed a tall old man standing there.

It turned out to be a guy I had chatted with in the Park a few years back, I had mentioned where I lived and he decided to drop by today.

He's an 84 year old country boy, hard of hearing so we talked loud. His girlfriend is 87 and they've been together fourteen years. He sold his house and moved in with her. The two drive as a team when together, one checking surrounding traffic while the driver handles the lights. They don't drive at night.

He was an insurance claims adjuster, which is interesting since my smoke buddy yesterday was urgently looking for someone to help him get some money from an auto accident a while back.

Mr. Jones said what he needs is an Independent Adjustor, someone who will jump through all the insurance company hoops, settle the claim, and draw a commission.

This guy was great to talk to, very down home, honest and ethical. He told me of folks he had helped over the years, even writing out checks on the hoods of cars.

He told me about a family that had made house insurance payments for twenty years, missed one payment, and then lost their home in a storm. The company didn't want to settle, but he got it done.

Then he said something that I liked so much, I wrote this Post to share it.

"If you do people right, you never lose."