Do you ever have one of those mornings where Things just weren't happening as smoothly as you hoped they would. Like the old lady waitress standing around talking to everyone, while my breakfast gets cold in the back, and then forgetting the toast!

One of those mornings where you miss every light on the way to the grocery store. And you know you'll encounter at least one dumb ass hick who doesn't know he can turn right on a red light.

As I started my shopping at 0815 at the Lawrenceburg, TN Kroger store, I felt the vibe was just off. Nobody smiling or making eye contact, stockers working each isle. I ran into somebody as I rounded every corner, I encountered a person day dreaming at the bread isle, with a big cart, right in front of the hamburger buns I wanted. I'm polite, I just waited.

I was under attack by the Kroger vibe so I just grabbed the basics, self checked, and managed to make it outside, almost getting runover in the parking lot.

As I read this back I realize I'm so full of shit they should operate on me to remove it. We create our own vibe by what we present to the world, and the vibe I've been putting out there lately ain't been pretty!

Folks around here are not going to smile and interact with a frumpy old man pushing his cart around thinking the vibe is bad, expecting folks not to be friendly, and they're all in his way...

I do piss and moan a lot, and rightfully so! My inability to walk properly is not my fault! My lost love, poor old lonely man shtick, is pathetic.

Truth is, only a few people like me enough to put up with me. I'm over the edge, the crazy old blogging ex-computer guy, who shares too much.

This is my Shtick!