My friend Elizabeth has written a fan fiction novel about the TV show Arrow.

Fan fiction is fictional writing in an amateur capacity by fans, based on an existing work of fiction. Her's is 103,000 words long and she is about to publish it online.

I've known and worked with Elizabeth over several Summers at the Tubing Company. There is downtime between trips and I've had many intelligent conversations with her. She's very smart, a substitute teacher here, and she reads my blog, which affirms my assesment

I'm looking forward to reading her fan story about this Arrow guy. I started watching it on Prime and it's good! The main character is Oliver Queen, a billionaire presumed dead for five years that comes back as a super hero. He's hot!

It reminds me of my life, presumed dead many times but I always bounced back. On a few occasions I was a super hero, but not many.

I should go by the handle: O liver Queen!