I am making some new friends, just not of the human variety. I have three little animal couples that love to come up on my porch and chow down. I leave the door wide open to shoot my photos, and they have come to trust me.

Each couple has a dominant mate, I assume the male, that comes to my little feeding station, while the other remains in the background. In this photoset I've captured some great shots of the squirrel and the chipmunk. The other couple is a beautiful little red bird that comes to feed and then carries it back to it's mate, just a few feet behind, and feeds her from his beak.

All I've got here is the squirrel and the chipmunk, but they're great, no screen door or window in the way because I was just standing there in the door, a couple of feet away. Working on capturing the birds. Click the photo below to see the photoset!