I researched my mental and physical issues today and this is what I've found.

Lewy bodies pull the alpha-synuclein protein, crucial in preventing cell death, out of the nucleus of our brain cells.

They are the bad guys, and arise in a few ailements, including Parkinsons, which affects 2% of those over age 65, and the average time from onset of Parkinson's to developing dementia is about 10 years.

Hmmm, let me see, I'm 76, I have PD, diagnosed by my neurologist a few years back, and here I am.

Lewy bodies are sucking my brains out! I love a good blowjob! but...

I never knew this until today, that Parkinson's could mess with your brain. I always assumed it was just this disease that turned you into a sad shaking person, and being in the paratransit business for thirty years, I sadly knew many.

When you finally realize that your memory is fleeting, you make it as real as you can.