It's funny how I've fallen into the senior transportation bag and apparently it's big business around the U.S. It makes sense, a huge portion of the population (baby boomers) have hit that mark where they need transportation services to get them around.

So I started out applying my mobile template to the local MyRide thing here in Lawrenceburg. It was an interesting start into a transit oriented app but I had all these individual programs performing various things to various database tables and it had quickly become unmanageable.

One night I went to bed at seven and woke up four hours later with a concept of consolidating tables and code, and proceeded to develop version two.

It has now evolved into really nice code. At the core I have created five tables:

 • A User table which contains the records of the four different user types, Admin, Staff, Driver and Client. This is basic information like ID number, username, password, name, address, email, phones, and geo-location.

 • Supplement tables, one for each type, containing their own unique record layout requirements.

Then I created five layout files which define the fields for each of the five tables, the idea being you can customize the data based on a companies requirements. If you need to add or change a field in any record layout the entire system will recognize that new field, or change, and handle the data appropriately. No diving down into the code to change anything!

This is damned cool stuff, and this morning I ported all of the code for a generic MyRide Tennessee operation, which nobody bit on, into a new app called, wait for it,

There are a ton a start-up senior transportation companies around the country and maybe I can catch the interest of one, or two.