I climbed into my truck canopy, parked at Rest Area 22 off I75 last night, at 1900 (Eastern Time). I didn't come out until 0530, 10.5 hours in there and only used the pee jar once. I slept great, and the sound of the diesels running around me was like the white noise generator machine back home.

I've been driving South in the dark for a while now, with one gas/coffee stop along the way. The sun is finally coming up, all my devices are charged from the driving, and I've got another coffee going from a little joint along the highway.

I've been texting hands free with Shelby, Daniel and Massey while I drive, thanks to miss Google Assistant mounted in her carrier to the left of my steering wheel.

As I head into fucking day 10 sober, I have to say I haven't felt this alive in a long, long, time. I don't need a damned woman in my life, I like myself and I can hang with just me. I'm a good man when I'm sober, I'm smart, charming and I don't give a flying fuck what any stranger thinks about me!

Now to get back on the road, Florida is still a ways away and I've got a great day ahead of me!