Man am I out of shape. I drove one of the Tube busses with Massey and the boys this afternoon. We had a large group of 32 having a family reunion at the cabins in the park. I put in just under four hours of driving and tube handling, up and down the hill at the drop spot, finally bailed, and made it home.

I was still breathing hard, nauseous, and I think I was having a heat stroke. It's settled down now, but I was concerned. Simple driving and tube handling almost got me today.

I was chatting with the group about the cabins and told them there was an old guy that comes up there to the dock and hand feeds the ducks and the geese every morning around 0830.

They said they had heard about him! I told them it was me and to send their kids down tomorrow morning and I'll show them how to feed the birds.

Really nice people from Florida. There were a couple other groups that also kept us busy.

Hey, Crockett Shoals Tubing people are my friends, I agreed to be an emergency backup driver and I fulfilled my commitment. But it almost killed me. Hopefully, next time will be better!

One of the new boys that was riding with me asked how old I was. He had me pegged at 60 and was shocked by 76. I held my own out there just fine!

Hudson on the other hand stood in my stairwell, announcing my age to another group and stated that I wrote the very first graphics program for the IBM PC! He's my budddy, reads my blog, and is a fan...