When I attended Paradise, CA High School, I was in the choir, I could sing, I had a deep bass voice that rocked the room. The town Chamber of Commerce hired me, a buddy, and two ladies, to Christmas carol around the town.

We wore top hats, and long outfits, and mossied around downtown singing Christmas carols. They actually paid us to do this. We were great!

You think I could remember their names after all these years, but nope...

I have been a Christmas bah humbug for a while now. Hunkering down, doing nothing. I had that wonderful Christmas cruise with Shelby and Andy a couple of years ago, but for the most part, it's a dead holiday for me.

Now I've been invited to a wonderful family home in Tampa, FL, with new friends and my beautiful grand-daughter. How about that!

My old truck is going to make it down there and back. If she breaks down half way, I'll put her in a great shop, pack my bag, and hitch hike on down to Tampa. It won't be the first time!

That's really what this season is all about, making the journey, making the connection.

My son Riley is about to be gifted with another beautiful daughter, a wonderful Christmas present as he sits in their hospital room, biggest one on the floor.