It's been a great early morning run through rural Alabama and Georgia, with two cups of gas station rot-gut coffee and a $2.85 a gallon fill up.

Pixie (yes, I've named my new phone) surprised me with her chosen route, through small towns in the dark, finally merging onto I75 South. Getting through downtown Atlanta was challenging, but expected.

My new best friend Pixie's GPS skills were impeccable. I just used my main GPS to keep track of my speed, and the speed limits.

I am now in downtown Decatur, in the parking lot of Chai Pani, in the shade writing this post. I finally made it! I'm also an hour ahead of the buffet lunch opening. If I can find someone inside I'll ask if they don't mind me parking here until they open, so I can walk around downtown.

Hell yea, day number nine!