Massey and Hudson's Tube bus stopped in front of Jim's Animal Control Center today, to report a dying groundhog down by the drop. They wanted to know if I could put him out of his misery with a 22.

I grabbed Daniel and we headed down there with his 38 carry. Turns out our little friend was dead, probably run over. Fortunatly, Daniel didn't have to use his weapon.

We've watched these groundhogs raise their families here, over the last five years, and this is a sad loss.

I took my pathetic shovel down to try and dig a burial spot right next to him/her, it was worthless. We need a burial party here, bring digging tools!

We have a local flock of vultures that will descend on our groundhog shortly, and the tubers will have quite a show tomorrow if we don't bury soon.

Update: I just learned what happened. The groundhog ran underneath Massey's bus trailer. What the hell was he/she doing running across the road in the middle of the day? Heading home to the hole in my backyard after a morning on the other side of the creek, I suppose...

Shit happens, we all die sometime. RIP my little friend.

Piper would sit on my desk for hours while I wrote code, watching the groundhogs below my window.

Update: Nobody showed up so I borrowed Daniels good shovel and buried my groundhog friend.