I made the decision when I started this blog over five years ago, to not allow comments. My previous blog back in Idaho did, and there where days I regretted it.

Allowing comments to a platform creates this thing called Social Media where people start posting their own positions and generating more comments from that. Pretty soon a single post becomes a multi-legged monster.

This is my platform, period, and I want to use it say how I feel about anything. If someone has an issue with my words they can contact me directly, my email address is in the About section.

There have been friends that I sent Post links to, that I wanted to share with them, but finally realized that was invasive, and stopped.

My Liberal friend in California reads my blog and sends me long scathing emails about what a fool I am for being a Conservative. I don't mind, I'm a big boy and I can handle them, but I'm sure glad they ain't going out on my blog as comments!

btw: Day two is being rough, but I'm hanging in there...