On top of working on my backup camera today, I went to see my Primary Care lady at the Fast Pace clinic. We talked skin issues first and I showed her the particularly nasty looking thing on the inside of my lower right leg. I can't go to Tampa or Hawaii with shit like this!

I told her I was anti-antibiotics and she has prescribed a powerful ointment to tackle these issues. Then we talked about my arm.

Decades of coding and blogging with a mouse have trashed my right arm and shoulder. Hey, the fact that I've lived this long and this is my biggest issue, I'm very grateful.

My recent fall down the Nashville BNB stairs just set it off, and it hasn't stopped hurting since. Ibuprofin ain't anywhere near cutting it so I asked her about Celebrex. Daniel swears by it and she agreed that it's a great solution.

I'll be picking up a thirty day supply at the Walgreens pharmacy this afternoon and if the results of today's blood work are copacetic, I'll get more.

I love my Medicare Advantage health insurance, visits to the clinic cost me ten bucks, and the care is amazing.