Old, stoned, stupid and horny. Sums up my life on this dead end street in Tennessee. I should travel somewhere this week, right after I get that oil change this week, right after I buy food, this week.

It's a strange place to be in. I have time left to live and I want to live it to it's fullest, while I still barely can. But I just can't find the energy spark! I want to spend my time out of the house for days, but the best I can do is supply runs and an occasional trip to the Park.

I've got my old truck ready to travel, she's running a little rough until she gets warmed up, just like me. But then she purrs when she hits the open road.

The first thing I should do this week is laundry. Hopefully everything will spiral upward from there.

Computer just told me that 2024 will be here in two weeks, six days and ten hours. It's amazing how much people jam into the end of December. A lot of you enjoy it, while I just survive it.

I'm envious of the people that love Christmas, they live in a different world than me, surrounded by family and friends and turkey.

I got laid a lot on News Years Eve, over the last twenty years. It was our anniversary, and that's usually how they ended up.

As a younger man, I never believed I would make it to the year 2000. Now I remember exactly where I was on that new century event.

I was walking back through the apartment complex in Kent, WA, just having celebrated at the bar up the street, when a beautiful woman appeared out of the dark and kissed me, deep and hard.

Then she turned around and faded back into the dark. I didn't know her, and I knew most people in the complex. Never saw her again.

I also know the difference between real memory and drunken illusions. Actually, as I wind this Post down, sometimes I can't remember where I put my cup, but the memories I've maintained are solid, and my blogs supplement them.

I wish I had started blogging at the age of five...