I've been thinking a lot about 22 years ago today. I was 55 and I had driven my Paratransit Supervisor Van up to my South of Seattle apartment for an early morning break.

I turned on the TV and watched both planes crash into the WTC towers, then watched them collapse. I immediately went back into the field.

I was the only Sup on duty that morning with about fifty routes running around the South County, and they were quickly falling apart. Drivers were calling me on the radio saying they were too distraught to continue. A bunch of them were sobbing.

I contacted my boss and he gave me approval to bring them in, if they needed to. One driver, who had friends working in Manhattan, couldn't even drive the bus back, I had to go get her.

We ended up bringing the day to an early close, people needed to go home and process what had happened.

I mentioned in an earlier post about holding up my grandfathers giant flag to traffic coming up the hill that afternoon, but I didn't mention that I didn't even know the guy holding up the other end. And we stood there for an hour...