Some out of towners may not know what goes onto the standard fish plate, they're all pretty much the same: two to three pieces of breaded, deep fried (preferably local farm raised) cat fish, french fries, cole slaw, white beans and two hush puppies.
At the big tent event yesterday I told the guy I was hungry so he piled on five pieces of fish, which makes this officially the biggest plate I've had here to date.
The pot purchasing process was equally as interesting. You first present your ID to the guy at the front, who runs it through what I assume would be a state based (at least) background check. If you pass, the door to the store is unlocked and you're allowed in.
There's a whole bunch of waist high tables scattered around, with little tablets on them, from which you enter your name, the products you want, and how many, then press the buy button.
The back half of the store consists of this long counter with about six people behind, putting together orders, with big flat screens up behind them, showing customer names, which served no purpose what so ever.
When you hear you're name called (last name, first initial), you go to the person that called it out.
Then again, you have to present your id, to confirm that name and face match. They take cash only.
In this case I spent $138 on product and the combined taxes from various agencies of $30.71, was added to that. Let that sink in and you realize why states have legalized pot.