It's 2100 on a Sunday evening. Think I'll mosey down to that little bar on the beach and have a couple drinks. Later I'll walk out into the surf barefooted with anyone that want's to take my arm.
I'm old, I have great knowledge to share, and I listen well! I have lived an amazing life, and now I'm living one that's trying to make amends in small increments, any way I can.
Making amends means to acknowledge the bullshit you have injected into your current small little world, and apologizing for it, then, give back with what little you have left!
I love the conversations that I have with my small remaining family. When I talk to my son Riley, grand-daughter Shelby, or nephew Brian, it's the real deal. If I want to dig deep they allow me, respect me, and love me.
Thank you God, for the internet, cell phone service, email and text! If my level of human interaction was limited to Southern Tennessee, with a few special exceptions down here, I would come visit you soon, my friend.