I spent this morning hanging out with some great young ladies. The first one that struck my attention was a pretty, petite woman, mid-fifties, who verified my data with the Maury Regional Health computer.
I asked her if the simple band on her wedding finger meant she was married. She said yes, and I refrained from saying what I wanted to, which was "he's a lucky man!". Daniel would have said it...
I was at a new place, Imaging. I finally got called in for the main event, the Ultrasound. And then I met Kim, a really nice young lady, 45, three kids in the Lawrence county school system, middle and high.
As she moved a warm thing over my lower body, we talked about travel, and life. Beautiful eyes above a mandatory mask. I could easily incorporate this into my daily routine.
I turned Kim on to my blog, then I asked if I could get all of the images she was taking. She said sure, and burned them to a CD. I will be firing up my dev box shortly and copying them to a USB stick for editing on my laptop.
Then I moseyed down the road to my blood doctor. In and out of different rooms, poked, prodded, and blood sucked, I finally came face to face with the expert, holding the entire state of my body, in his hands.
If this was TikTok I would make this Part 1, but I hate that shit.
So when I left the doctor's office, I drove straight to Williams Park, a cool little hang off Hwy 43, heading back home. I had planned for this event, depending on the results. Made myself a couple of drinks, smoothed my mind, and thought about his final statement, limit yourself to two average cocktails a day, and you should be alright.
So what did he say? My liver has a little fat around it, my bone marrow is low, and I have a vitamin B12 deficiency.
In other words, I'm fucking alright!