By good buddy Jeff the book dealer sent me a paperback yesterday called The Willpower Instinct (How self control works, why it matters and what you can do to get more of it), by Kelly McGonigal out of Stanford.

I starts out by laying down three challenges:

• I will: What is something that you would like to do more of, or stop putting off, because you know that doing it will improve the quality of your life?

• I won't: What is the “stickiest” habit in your life? What would you like to give up or do less of because it's undermining your health, happiness, or success?

• I want: What is the most important long-term goal you'd like to focus your energy on?

I knew immediately what my priorities were within that list and wrote them down in the book. We'll see where this goes...

Update: Crissinda just gave me a hard time, wanting to know what was on my list. What the hell, why not share it:

I will get back into great physical shape.

I won't drink anymore.

I want to find inner peace with myself.

What's on your list?