I got creative today and breathed new life into the old code of my tool Tifits. First off, I grabbed the domain name tiwats.com from my host for $10. It stands for "things I want at the store". Then I updated all extensions with the most current versions: Jquery, localForage, Magnific and FontSpy.

It functions just like Tifits (see previous post) but is has it's own domain name and the name makes sense. So, if you added the Tifits tool to your phone, thank you! Now delete it and add this:

Update: It's now at version 1.2. Fixed the focusing so your phone keyboard will pop up when you enter a store or item. Also added a comment email link under credits and Google search handles multi-word items better and includes the store. This version is much better than Tifits.

I also noticed that Facebook adds a bunch of tracking data to the end of the url when clicked, so I added code to remove that garbage upon loading :-)
