It's a very nice late December afternoon here in Pensacola, warm and sunny after a couple days of rain.
I love DoorDash, if I was younger with a vehicle, I'd be a Dasher. A lanky black guy with a great smile just Dashed me on the porch. We chatted and had a fun interaction, while his partner sat idling out on the street.
I went walking this morning, around 0800, knowing that if I don't keep using my legs, I will lose them shortly. I went West for a change, along the big busy five lane street, then came back through new neighborhoods.
I read something somewhere recently, that taking a walk through a new place can inspire a sense of awe at the simple things around you, and give you some peace, if you embrace it.
I think it worked, and now I'm just sitting in the Cave while I still can, watching football, wondering what's next down the road.