Yea, I just posted about moving to Roatan, but that's just a pipe dream. I'll be down there next month, have lunch at Sandy Buns on the West End, and move on. But where?

There is nothing for me here anymore and I'm dying a slow lonely death. I really miss my boy back in Washington and I would love to see his new daughter grow up. So maybe I'll move back?

I would have to go back to work, couldn't afford it otherwise. When I left there back in the early 2000's I was a transit supervisor in good standing with Hopelink. Moved to Teton Valley where I kept on driving a bus. Moved here and drove a bus last summer. I'm in great shape, I could handle it.

Hopelink is hiring at a great rate now with sweet signup bonuses. I could rent a u-haul, put my truck on a trailer, and get the hell out of the deep south.

Right after my Caribbean Christmas cruise :-)