I dug out my big heavy sub-zero Idaho coat, slapped on a stocking hat and gloves, and walked to the Dollar store this morning. It was probably overkill as the Sun was starting to warm things up, but I saw a guy walking around wrapped up in a blanket, so I was glad to have the stuff.
I picked up paper towels and ice cream and as I walked back, I thought about Trump, and the changes that are about to come down in this country I love. It's cold here in Florida, and that will change. I don't know where I will be living at the end of the month, and that will change too, but it's ok.
I'm just really glad to be alive, and to watch Americas transformation back to greatness. Besides my limited family, it's what drives me to carry on.
My relatives on both sides go back centuries, and I'm as American as you can get. I had relatives fight in the Civil War, my grandfather in WW1 and my dad in WW2. They all fought for the same thing, so that I can live a free life and fuck it up badly if I happen to.
California just hit the bottom of U-Haul ratings, more moving out and fewer coming in, than any State in the U.S. Kamala is going to run for Governor, and will probably win.
I was born and lived there for my first forty years. I have grandkids I've never met living there, and old friends, so I really hope the State survives.