This MapOMJMapsGoogleBingMapBoxMapQuestTrafficStreetViewVueRouteDirectionsOpenStreetZoomEarthPeakFinderWeatherFlickrJimazonNeXhtMapBoxiResetRandCityRandParkContribute
This Map:Display this map view full-screen.
OMJMaps:Open my map app at the current location.
Google:Open a Google map at the current location.
Bing:Open a Bing map at the current location.
MapBox:Open some MapBox geocoding goodness at the current location.
MapQuest:Open a MapQuest map at the current location.
Traffic:Open a MapQuest traffic map at the current location.
StreetView:Open Google StreetView at the current location.
Vue:Open my split-scrren StreetView app at the current location.
Route:Open my Google Route map at the current location.
Directions:Open my new Directions map at the current location.
OpenStreet:Open an OpenStreet map at the current location.
ZoomEarth:Open a ZoomEarth map at the current location.
PeakFinder:Show surrounding mountain ranges.
Weather:Open my Weather app at the current location.
Flickr:Show a collage of Flickr photos for this location.
Jimazon:Open my new Flickr app at the current location.
NeXht:Open my eclectic map app at the current location.
MapBoxi:MapBox map, internal.
Reset:Set the program back to it's initial view.
RandCity:Find a random City.
RandPark:Find a random Park.
Contribute:Drop the Old Man a buck to help with server costs.