I started my first Blog when Steph and I landed at that beautiful log home with a hottub at the base of the Grand Tetons in Idaho, around 2010. The Mormon Salt Lake City hosting company didn't like me using the word fuck, so I said fuck them.

I ended up with IONOS, who have been hosting my blogs for a long time now. The Idaho blog was built around a WordPress platform that allowed Comments and used their default template which couldn't adapt to new cell phone technology. So I switched to one that could, ended it, and moved to Tennessee.

Here's the first BusDriverJim Post, from June 19, 2011, Vegas Trouble. The new template lost a lot of images, but at least it looks ok on a phone now.

As I started OldManJim I discovered the Joomla platform, which this blog is built around, and it's been amazing. I don't know if you've noticed, but this is a pretty bad ass blog, and I'm very proud of it.

I've been able to write custom code that integrates into it, with a bunch of cool apps I built around it. The platform provides the structure and management of everything else.

Joomla is an open-source project and has become one of the most popular content management systems in the world. A lot of people are still contributing to it, while I just enjoy using it, in my own way.

Image created with AI, by me...