I am not a rain guy, or a snow guy, or a fog guy. I thrive on clear and eighty five. It has been raining all day.

My plans for laundry at the Wishy Washy were washed out. I got up at 0530 and then slept another hour at 0800. It's really hard being me, these days.

I'm either toggling my big screen between Fox and Local, or scrolling through TikTok on my big tablet. I consume content, it's what I do, it's who I have become. It's funny that I don't do both at the same time.

My possessions are meager, compared to some, but I'm very grateful for what I have. My stash has gone South since moving here, but I ain't broke, and I'm alright.

It's great to be Alive in America. As I was paying for my ice at the nearby tobacco store, I noticed the price of cigarettes at nearly $7 a pack. I told my store buddy that when I was sixteen, they were $.25 cents a pack.

A girl got me started smoking and I'm mad at you to this day Linda Galagher. I quit the day I turned 50, saved my life and allowed me to be here writing this.

I did the same thing with booze when I turned 70 in Idaho, lasted a whole year, dropped down to 150 and was in great shape. Did the same thing here for a whole month, got back to 150.

Now I'm probably in the worst shape I've ever been in. Weighing in over 180 and the tremors are constant wether I take my meds or not.

But every day is a gift! I treasure them, I embrace them! Ain't no self pity going on in this house!

And my main goal is to remember them...