Neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases involving the nervous system, which comprises the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves.

Shelby drove me to, and sat in on, our first visit with neurologist Henry Porter. It was at a medical building in a busy area of Pensacola and the place was hopping at 1305.

I loved the guy, older, real, funny, and he wasn't pushing a pill agenda. But he did recommend a couple of over the counter vitamins, B12 and Magnesium Glycinate.

He had my medical records, he knows about my fall and strokes and whatever. He had my blood work from the new Primary care doctor that I saw here a while back.

It looks like, thanks to Shelby, that I am now integrated into the medical system around here. Copays are low as are the meds, and I have great insurance.

I've also run out of reasons to piss and moan about the sorry state of my old Parkinsons body and damaged brain.

I went into this meeting with an attitude, I was going to demand an MRI, find out why my body vibrates every second of my life, why are my legs giving out, and why do I always have a dull ache on the top of my head?

I told him what my issues were, then he's looking at my chart, checking my heart and lungs with his scope, and putting me through some physical tests.

Then he tells me I'm in good shape for a 78 year old guy with Parkinsons, and I ain't nearly that bad as I whine to the world that I am.

He recommended medical marijuana from a local place for the vibrations, and a skin doctor to cut the Basal Cell off my head to stop the headache. We made appointments for an MRI and something else.

Shelby mentioned vodka, and he said Yea, cut that stuff out too. Maybe there is still hope for me, quit feeling pathetic and worthless, stop drinking, and get a life again.