We humans fuckup a lot. We live as fully as we can, knowing that we only have one shot at this, and fuckups happen.

Our current position is based on how serious those fuckups were, and how the world around us deals with them. If we're lucky we don't fuckup so bad that it ruins our lives, or ruins others.

Every great person in our human history has handled their fuckups well and succeeded. Every down and out person we see on the street, or those doing life in prison, have not. The rest of us are living in the middle of fuckup land, hoping it doesn't happen again, but knowing that it will.

I fucked up a thousand times as I approach eighty. Sometimes the people around me ceased to be around me, because of it. Then I just keep moving forward until the next one.

I look at myself honestly in the mirror and know I'm a good person. I've tried to live a decent honest life, without hate, or hurtfulness, but sometimes I fuckup.

As Pensacola, FL unfolds around me daily, I think about the fuckups that landed me here. There were a bunch and somehow, thanks to my limited family, I'm still on my feet.

And I'm not fucking up as bad lately. My last big fuckup was getting dead drunk at the end of my local bar a while back. Poor me, I'd lost my truck, my mobility and my pride, so I fucked up and drank.

I didn't get stupid, I saw a video of me leaving the bar and all I could do was hold my old head down and stumble out the door, with a friends help.

A lot was lost with that fuckup, and now I just have to deal with it.

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