I just can't seem to get anyone to embrace this web template of mine. I started it out with the tubing company last summer and they blew it off, I ported it over into a site for Riley's auto body business and it died the slow death of waiting for content from the partners wife. Now I've ramped it up into a database driven transportation entity that appears to be going nowhere, again.

Maybe I have to face the reality that I'm delusional, that it really sucks and people I show it to are just being polite when they say, that's cool. To accept that premise would shatter my ego and drive the knife deep into my failing grip on sanity.

The web world is funny though. I did a Google search on this latest piece and it appeared at the top of the list, right before their facebook page, and they probably don't even know it. I've got a YouTube video about dancing horses out there approaching 40k views, 200 thumbs up and tons of comments, I've got a mapping app on this blog that's had 1.4 million hits, and yet I still can't make a website stick...