Still totally enamored with my new Chrome OS laptop. Just discovered some tweaks that turbocharge it because it's running on an Intel processor with graphics acceleration, which was originally required for the demanding Windows 10 environment on this little computer. It's now amazingly responsive.

I have set up this little box to do everything I need to do, in a stylish and fast way. I enjoy it so much more than I did as a crippled little Windows laptop. I know you're tired of hearing me rant on about this, but this is a major game changer.

Google bought the software, integrated it into their universe, and now supplies it to the world free. There is nothing wrong with living in this universe, it works. Of course, they may eventually fuck us over, but I'll be dead by then.

Think about all the old Windows laptops out there, they are about to see a new life, if people choose to do so.