I like to sit on the front porch these evenings as the Pensacola sun drops below the freeway. The onramp has a space to sleep at the base, and I've seen a few folks use it.
There's a homeless guy taking refuge there currently, been here for more than a week. I assume he's getting breakfast from the soup kitchen down the street, other than that I don't know how he survives.
He has nobody left in the world that cares about him, he is a broken man. Who knows what brought him to this state, obviously he fucked up along lifes path, and hopefully he didn't harm anyone.
There is no lower state of living that I can imagine. As I sit here in the Cave, reflecting on another Thanksgiving, I can only give thanks to the very few people that still care about me, and I'm very grateful to have them.
Otherwise this could be me.
Happy Thanksgiving!