In the early eighties my friend Steve Smith invited me over to his shop in Oakland to check out his new Apple computer, it was the first to hit the market and I was the computer guy.

One of his employees was a petite fiery redhead named Colleen Bangert. We hooked up later that night at a party at Steve's house, and I met one of her many personalities, the Sex Kitten.

This chick truly had multiple personalities and over a couple of decades, I got to meet them all. My least favorite was the Boxer, where she would use my head as a punching bag.

One time we drove in to Mexico from Arizona, crossed over to Baja on a ferry and were heading north on the peninsula in the middle of a desert, when the Boxer came out. I was in no mood to get my head beat so I kicked her out, at which point she climbed up on a sand dune and sat down, while I drove off. Obviously I didn't leave her there, because Riley would never have been born, but I was tempted.

The Boxer would also come out every time she found me naked in hot tubs with other naked women. She would walk up, pound me on the head, then split. Every time!

Anyway, there are a million stories here that will go untold, because she is my boys mom. Do I have any regrets? Hell no, she allowed me to be Rileys dad, and for that I respect her.