It's taken me three quarters of a century to finally figure out how to boil fucking eggs. So that the shell slides off whole, with a tap, as opposed to shattering into a thousand little pieces, super glued to the fucking egg.

I now love boiling and pealing eggs, so here it is, Jim's version:

Take the eggs out of the fridge and put them on the counter while you fill up the pot and bring it to a boil. The eggs can reach near room temp by the time you put them in.

Throw a good dash of salt in the pot as you add the eggs. Boil without a lid for 12 minutes, then remove from heat and cover for 14 minutes. I call it the 12/14 algorithm and I've got me a sweet little timer attached to my stove that implements it!

After 14 minutes covered, drain the water into the sink and just let cold water run over them to cool them down, less than a minute.

Perfectly cooked, and they peal great!

And since I'm playing the role of Mr Tweak, here's a snap of my grandfathers hammer from his sign painting days in Northern California. I have this and others, I have my grandmothers blankets, somehow.

I use the hammer to continually break up the giant bag of ice Daniel gave me for free, because he's the ice house god, as it takes up my entire freezer.

Life on Lee street, 2022...